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Mokykla turėtų geriau parengti jaunimą praktiniams gyvenimo aspektams

Mokyklos jaunimui turėtų siūlyti tokias pamokas kaip ekonomika, sveikatos valdymas ir namų ūkio pamokos.

Visoje ES bent dvejus metus turėtų būti rengiamos privalomos vidurinės mokyklos pamokos, kurios padėtų nepilnamečiams pasirengti gyvenimui. Tokios klasės kaip ekonomika, politika, sveikatos priežiūra ar net namų ūkio klasės, kuriose mokoma maisto ruošimo, drabužių skalbimo ir t. t., turėtų geriau paruošti jaunimą suaugusiam gyvenimui.
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5 pastabų on Mokykla turėtų geriau parengti jaunimą praktiniams gyvenimo aspektams
Tânia Mendes  • 05 July 2023

This is a great idea, congratulations. Financial education is crucial for future generations as it equips individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions. In a constantly evolving and complex financial landscape, understanding concepts such as budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt becomes essential for long-term financial well-being. By providing financial education, we empower young people to be financially independent, responsible, and equipped to navigate financial challenges they will encounter throughout their lives.

Moreover, it cultivates a mindset of financial awareness and discipline, fostering a culture of economic stability and growth. Thus, integrating financial education into the education system ensures that future generations possess the tools to achieve financial security and make wise choices that positively impact their lives and society as a whole.

Atsakymas į Tânia Mendes pateikė João Correia  • 13 March 2024
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Visiškai pritariu abiem nuomonėms, kaip ir mūsų pareiga baigti mokyklą, nežinau, kaip naudotis kredito kortele.

Visiskaze  • 08 March 2024
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Tai visiškai tiesa, nes mokykla turėtų būti ne tik vieta, kurioje sužinote naujos informacijos tik apie knygas, bet ir ta vieta, kur gausite savo žinias.

Rhythm  • 23 March 2024

I feel that, as stated above, financial literacy classes, meaning knowledge of how to manage taxes and loans, and the basics of politics, i.e, knowledge of the judicial system, should definitely be mandatory. Moreover, basic health literacy, meaning first aid, should also be taught.

However, apart from first aid, nutrition also needs to be taught, i.e, what to eat to stay healthy, what to eat when you have a stomach-ache, periods, etc..., and the nutritional and biological effects of certain kinds of food. Moreover, more practical skills, such as changing tires, household chores, as well as self-defence, are also crucial in my opinion.

You also believe that logical thinking and reasoning classes ought to be introduced, to teach students critical thinking and decision-making. Furthermore, general knowledge classes could also be very helpful.

Lastly, I feel that time management is a vital skill which should be taught in school, and also stress management i.e. how to deal with, tackle and manage stress. This is vital, as, in today's world, there is a lot of pressure, especially on youth, and, without knowledge on how to manage all the stress and pressure, one ends up being overwhelmed by everything.

Eva Maria Hanson  • 13 April 2024
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Asmeniškai bandau išspręsti šią problemą nuo Estijos. Ar yra kokių nors būdų, kaip galėčiau būti įtrauktas į šios idėjos įgyvendinimo ES procesą?

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